Monday, April 11, 2016

Friday (Monday) Update

Good morning,

I hope you all enjoyed your beautiful weekend! This week is going to be a bit different in ELA and social studies. Our students have been working hard on getting mastery on opinion essays in the last weeks. This week will be their chance to show what they know. This performance event is a check in to see how the students can plan, write, and edit on their own with much less guidance. We also have our summative for Perspective and Point of View on Wednesday. During this unit I have been so impressed with the students initiative to work hard and share their learning with their class. We have had some amazing collaboration and work times. 

I will be updating several things online for parent portal by Friday.
Wilson's Creek permission slips are due signed by Friday

As always, email  me with any questions or concerns. 

Enjoy the field trip pictures below and I hope you have a great week!

We had a great time exploring nature

Some time drying off after the stream exploration

Student exploration

Our small scavenger hunt team

Taking a break from our hike

Took us a while, but we finally found the last clue

Trail Hiking

Even found some critters

Learning about potential pollution in the Ozarks

Examining the critters

Serious science journaling

We were all just a bit excited

Marshland Observations

Some of the team

Water cycle games

Comparing perspectives of the 3 Little Pigs

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