Friday, August 28, 2015

Weekly Update

Happy Friday!
This week was a great week here at Upper and in ELA. We focused on how and why we use our independent reading books. In Social Studies we introduced the major US events and discussed why we learn about history in schools. The students had some great thoughts on why it is important.
"We learn history so we can understand the present"
"We learn history so we can appreciate the people who made differences"
"We learn about history so that we do not let the same mistakes happen again"

Next week:
We will research the regional Native Americans.
We will discuss how to research effectively and safely.
Take our first pretest over "Noticing Change"
Focus on answering constructed response questions

Trying out the new kickball field
Picture Day
Picture Day

Class Photo Op
How they really are...
Tevin swinging for the fences
Lucas gets on base
Stephanie shows her skills

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