Thursday, May 19, 2016

End of year letter

Class of 2023,
I can not tell you how much this year has impacted me.  We all know that our class has had some ups and downs throughout the year. We have had some tears, but I know we have had more laughs than anything. I can honestly say you are the most entertaining class I have been a part of. You are a class full of leaders, which can be hard at times, but I know that you will all use that leadership to make a difference. 

You have constantly shocked and impressed me this year. Some of you have focus and drive for perfection that is something to be proud of and to nurture as you get older. This is evident in your improvement from August until now. Just remember how you never thought you would understand RACE, or look at the gains you have made in your Lexile score! That drive and internal motivation you have will come in handy not only in your educational life but in your personal lives also. 
I hope that you will take what you have learned this year to heart and use it. We have had a lot of "life lesson" talks in this room and I have seen you all grow into young adults (scary). If you take anything away from my class I hope it is this:
  • To always look for the best in people (even when it is hard)
  • That manners ARE NOT optional
  • You are capable of much more than you know
  • You need to take your life into your own hands, its not up to your parents, or your friends
  • What you do now leads what others think of you later (choose wisely)
  • YOU have the power of choice always
  • Rise above the situations you are in, be the bigger person
I love each of you like you are my own. I can not wait to see what you do in the future. I know I will see some of you doing great things. Take your education as seriously as you want your future to be. Good luck next year! Make lifelong friends, memories, and progress please!!!
Mrs. Belker

Some of my favorite pictures from the year below:

Last but not least...

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