Thursday, April 14, 2016

Semester Book Assignment

The end of the semester is upon us and it is time for our ever popular BOOK ASSIGNMENT!!! I was shocked by your creativity last semester and can not wait to see what you can come up with this semester. Below I have put a few examples of ways you can show your knowledge of a book. I am open to going as far as your minds will take it. If you have a great idea not on the list, come TELL ME! At the bottom I have included a list of the final portfolio items needed before the end of the year. Create a Google Drive folder for the portfolio and share it with me.

1.  Sign Posts- Our sign posts we have learned come to life in real signs to explain our favorite sign posts of the book. Must include at least 3 sign posts. You can find the sign posts explained here.

2. Movie Trailer- Any medium, as long as you can share a link with me to view it. Please remember not to give away the ending. Example here.

3. Day in the life of- A video journal or vlog acting as a character in the book (give internal thoughts)

4. Write from a different point of view- A different character tells the story and changes the events that happen. Type this please.

5. Character analysis- What characteristics, personality traits, etc does that character have? Draw, write, or write a poem.

6. Setting analysis- Look at the setting, why it impacted the story. How would it be different if it was in a different setting or time?  Illustrate a new setting and analysis of how it would impact the story.

7. Characters iPhone- What would be on the main characters iPhone? Draw an illustration or make one online to print off. Also include explanations of why you think that would be on their phone.

8. Coat of arms- If the book was explained only with a coat of arms to illustrate it what would it look like? Create a coat of arms that shows the aspects of the story-line or the characters. Please provide an explanation of what you included and why.

Printed copies will be available to take home

End of Year Portfolio items:
- Beginning of year, middle of year, and end of year Lexile levels
- Favorite writing piece of the year
- Favorite journal assignment typed out
-Reading log (full year)

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