Thursday, February 11, 2016

Friday Update

Happy Friday,

I hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to a lovely weekend.  We have a few things coming up here at Upper that I wanted to let you know about.

1.  Robotics Tryouts: Any students that are interested in trying out for next years robotics team will need to sign up to try out either March 1st or 2nd and will need to grab a tryout form from my room. If you have any question feel free to email me about them.

2. Sign Language Club: We have a sign language club starting up here on the 6th grade side. It is open to both 5th and 6th grade and students can find more information on the flyers hung around school.

This week in ELA the students started writing an informational essay over one of the 13 colonies that they chose to research.  We also took some time to talk about a few important things that they may have a few questions about at home. We had a class discussion on what it means to have the "power of choice" and how that power gets greater as they continue in Middle School and High School in which the responsibility continues to fall on them more. I was very impressed with how mature their answers were. Some students answers are posted below:

  • I think it means the right to think for yourself. To use your talents in your own way.for example voting is a choice even if you don't get the one you voted for. Jobs are a choice you can choice to be a teacher or a spy or even a critic you think of what you want to do, you can do it.because you have a choice in your life and you decide what you want to do with it!:
  • The power of choice as you begin to grow up means that you make your own decisions, and all of those decisions will affect the rest of your life. So that means that you have to make good decisions or otherwise your life may go plop, and collapse.
  • Having the power of choice means that you don't have any adults to help you make some difficult and smart choices in life. Your parents won't always be there to do all the work for you or help you make the right decisions. What choices you make may effect the rest of your life and you want all of your friends to remember you as a wise and smart person.

In honor of Valentine's Day we also did a quick question warm up about love. The question was "What is Love".  There answers were amazing! Here are a few.

  • I think that love means that you have a relationship with someone. That someone you treat nice and be kind around. Love also means that you have peace with that person.
  • t means you never stop caring for someone and you will never leave them. 
    Have enough courage to trust love one more time and always one more time.”

    -Maya Angelou
    No matter what circumstances you always have that persons back. The wedding vows describes it for everyone. " from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health"
  • Love means that you put your trust in someone you deeply care about. That you would put your life in danger for them. Love is the greatest treasure in life. You must make the most out of it. You can lose love easily just by losing the person you love trust's.
  • Loving means to care for someone. Love is one of the most important things in life. It is a choice of how you love. You can love with a sweet heart rich or poor or you can love for money and things. You can choose your ow path of love the good path or the bad path. It all comes down to your decisions and it is up to you. How and who you choose to love can affect your whole life. To love you need to worry about the inside and not the outside. Love can determine your whole future. Be know as the sweet caring person. Not a person that loves for money. Its time to change how we love. Once again love people from the inside not the out. Its kind of like saying don't judge a book by its cover!
  • love means to care for and appreciate them and respect theme for what they have done for you and you take care of them and and it gives you a funny feeling inside and you care for them with all your hart and never give up on them and you would die just to keep them safe and to care about how they fill and how they feel.
  • To love someone, is to care about them and there feelings. It means that you motivate them, and you make sure they don't get hurt. To love someone is to not be rude to them or insult them or not to judge them by their cover. To love someone is to appreciate them. Love means to care very deeply about someone. You care if they hurt, you care if they cry, and you try to help them in every way possible. You love your family, your friends, God and maybe some people have a boyfriend/girlfriend that they love. Everybody has to show love in some sort of way.

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