Friday, October 2, 2015

Friday Update

This week in ELA we took our first unit summative. You can view the students scores online through Parent Portal. If the students got lower than an 80% they will be with me during one Tiger Time next week to work on the skills they have not yet mastered. They will retake the summative next Thursday and the scores will be updated online. If you have any questions or concerns please email me.

In Social Studies we began comparing Native American regions with one another and the resources they had. The students have become quite the researchers and are digging deeper into this subject than I could have dreamed. I challenge you to ask your students about the Native American region they researched and I think you will be shocked. My goal over the year of Social Studies is that students will not only learn the content but have a greater understanding of the researching process, and also become more comfortable with presenting their research in better ways both using technology and speaking skills. 

Parent teacher conferences are coming up the week of October 19th. We have chosen to do them the Monday and Tuesday of that week. We will be contacting some of you to set up scheduled sit down parent teacher conferences. If you do not get contacted you will be invited to open house conferences which are student led and give you a chance to better understand their school lives, expectations, and how they are doing. If you have been contacted or feel as though your child would benefit from a scheduled sit down conference with all of the teachers please click on the link below to sign up for a time slot. Please note that you only sign up for these if you feel there are concerns or worries. If you do not have concerns please come to the Monday conferences for a less formal conference and discussion. Monday conferences are come and go from 3:00-6:00pm.

Sign Up Here for Tuesday conferences!

Math took a summative today (check grades online)
New Quarter starts in a few weeks
Keep an eye out for parent teacher conferences information to come

Next Week:
Starting a focus on Missouri Native Americans
New ELA unit over inference, theme. and summarizing

Robotics Information:
Robotics practice went great on Tuesday and we are looking forward to jumping in with full practice scheduling next week. This means that Monday and Wednesday are the OPTIONAL before school practices during advisory time. Tuesday is a required after school practice from 2:50-3:50. All of the practices are going to be in my room (115). 

We are working on getting all the needed information about the regional tournament in November in Camdenton. This is not going to be a competition that we take part in but we have been invited to come as a guest and allow the students to see what a full tournament looks like. We are hoping that this lights a fire in the students and gets them even more excited about the program and engineering as a whole.

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